Detailed features
The Vagnon of boating at sea is the Bible of the motor sailor! This book gathers all the knowledge in manoeuvres, navigation, safety, regulations, etc... which will help you to improve your nautical skills.
The Motor Boating Bible !
Respecting the rules on board, knowing and maintaining your boat and its equipment, preserving the marine environment, mastering the rules of navigation and observing safety instructions: these are all skills that are necessary for good motorboating practice and that can only be acquired through experience at sea. This book, which brings together all the knowledge you will need, will help you do just that.
- Size 19,5 x 24 cm
- 304 pages
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<h2 style="text-align:justify;">Details on "How to fit out your boat".</h2>
<h2>The on-board safety memo</h2>
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