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The indispensable logbook
A practical board book at a low price!
Characteristics of the manual: Vagnon logbook
- 64 pages
- Format: 21 x 28.5 cm
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<h2>The Safetics safety guide english version : Sailboats and Motors</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Safetics® The Sailor’s Checklist is the first English-language navigation guide written in the form of aviation-style check-lists. Recommended by Coast guards and translated and adapted by English skipper Pip Hare, it compiles all major navigation rules as well as procedures validated by sea safety experts. Its universal and practical content has been designed for both skippers and crew members, and is suitable for sailboats and powerboats. Its waterproof and tear proof format allows an unrivalled durability.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">This guide is the result of the work of enthusiasts who decided to create a simple and intuitive memo for pleasure boating. Its content is based on official recommendations, as well as on numerous feedbacks and experts' opinions, including in particular that of <strong>Armel Le Cléac'h </strong>a skipper and professional sailor. A real Sailor's Checklist for sailing and motor boats.</p>
<h2>Features of the Safetics Sailing Guide: Sailor's Checklist</h2>
<h2>A5 adhesive marine code Maritime buoyage</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;"><span>The A5 sticky marine code for ships Buoyage region A (Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania) displays the essential navigation rules concerning the buoys in maritime navigation. It can replace the compulsory document on Buoyage</span>. <span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>CONFORMS TO D240</strong></span></p>
<h2><span>Characteristics of the Marine Code Maritime buoyage </span></h2>
<h2>Code Marin réglementaire bateau : Pack of 3 A5 adhesive sheets</h2>
<p>The regulatory marine code in 3 self-adhesive sheets RIPAM / Buoyage / Flags gathers the essential of the international maritime regulations for pleasure boating. A5 format, easier to put on board. <span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>CONFORMS TO D240</strong></span></p>
<h2>Characteristics of the Marine Code in a pack of 3 A5 sheets</h2>
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<h2>Indispensable on board your boat: the Atlantic 2025 marine block</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">The Atlantic 2024 Marine Block is no longer available. This book contains all the compulsory and regulatory elements on board a boat and offers you access to all the essential documents on board. For this edition, a complete update of the mandatory 2025 regulations has been carried out and you will find <span>in addition </span><span>a special section devoted to new technologies: "electronics - equipment - home automation".</span><span>. </span>Browse the descriptions of the ports and benefit from all the updated approach charts (these are made every year according to the SHOM information). This marine guide allows you to save precious time in order to arrive at the port in complete serenity. A real bible for sailors and yachtsmen, it contains essential information for coastal and deep-sea navigation.</p>
<h2>The marine block for the Atlantic : a navigation area from England to the Azores</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Your marine block allows you to carry all the nautical documents required on board during your navigations. The Atlantic model (new edition 2022) is a great classic of the maritime bookshop and a reference book for sailors. Find our entire collection of coastal and marine pads on our Picksea shop, number one in nautical equipment on the internet.</p>
<h2>Detailed summary of the Atlantic 2025 Marine Block</h2>