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<h2>An inflatable IOR pole to easily locate a person in the sea</h2>
<p>This pole will allow you to easily locate a person in the water, it provides a buoyancy of 150 N. It is ISAF-ORC and Division 240 compliant as a "device for locating and assisting a person who has fallen overboard".</p>
<h2>Characteristics of the Plastimo inflatable IOR pole</h2>
<h2 class="product--view--title">Plastimo Trump horn and foghorn</h2>
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<div class="pvc-description entry">The simplicity of a foghorn and the power of a horn: over 100 dB without effort. It works by vibration of a thin plastic membrane that can be replaced by any thin plastic film. Wear-free, unalterable, ecological and economical. The Trump is waterproof because it floats.</div>
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<ul><li>Diameter 70mm</li>
<li>Weight 140g</li>
<li>Length 195mm</li>
<li>Supplied with cord and 2 spare membranes</li>
<h2>EPIRB AIS Smartfind G8 Automatic from MC Murdo</h2>
<p>The new G8 beacon <dfn title="Le Système d'identification automatique (SIA) ou Automatic Identification System (AIS) en anglais est un système d'échanges automatisés de messages entre navires par radio VHF qui permet aux navires et aux systèmes de surveillance de trafic (CROSS en France) de connaître l'identité, le statut, la position et la route des navires se situant dans la zone de navigation.">AIS</dfn> EPIRB provides faster detection, superior positioning accuracy and a much faster rescue of people or vessels in distress. Once the EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) is triggered, it sends a signal to a network of COPAS-SARSAT satellites on the 406 MHz frequency. The alert is very quickly triggered if the beacon's position is transmitted with the distress signal (GPS). In addition to the satellite system, the G8A beacon sends an AIS signal when it is triggered. This signal will be received and read by all AIS receivers on nearby vessels, allowing one of them to respond much faster than the rescue team.</p>
<h2>Features of the EPIRB AIS Smartfind G8 automatic beacon</h2>
<h2>Horseshoe buoy and turning light set</h2>
<p>Complete set including 1 removable horseshoe buoy, with integral wire and polyamide snap hook, 1 reversing light and 1 stainless steel wire support. Buoyancy 147 Newtons.</p>
<h2>Description of the set Horseshoe buoy and reversing light</h2>