Telescopic IOR Pole | Picksea
  • Telescopic IOR Pole | Picksea

Telescopic IOR Pole

See detailed specifications

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Une question ? +33 2 97 11 80 95

Detailed features

A stable and ergonomic telescopic IOR pole

This telescopic IOR pole is very stable and ergonomic. It meets the requirements of the ISAF/ORC racing rules.

Characteristics of the Plastimo telescopic IOR pole

  • Height:
    • Unfolded: 3.52 m
    • Folded : 1.95 m
    • Above water : 2.30 m
  • Dimensions:
    • Float: height 360 mm
    • Horn: 450 x 350 mm
  • Material:
    • Pole: fiberglass
    • Float: Flexible, impact-resistant PVC
  • 1/4 turn locking of the pole
  • 4m yellow floating rope to connect to a lifebuoy
  • Integrated lead ballast.
  • Clamp and toggle to keep the flag rolled up.

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