
Detailed features

Navigation chart shom 7033 type L (folded in A4 format) for cruising between Quiberon and Le Croisic. Scale: 1:50 000
- SHOM chart number 7033L. of the Atlantic coast between Quiberon and le Croisic
- Update of May 1, 2014
- Scale 1:50,000
- Geodetic system WGS 84
- International Standards
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<h2>The SHOM marine chart 7148 L is the marine chart from the Goulet de Brest to the Chaussée de Sein.</h2>
<p>Area covered: Le Conquet, Molène, Goulet de Brest, Camaret, Ile de Sein, raz de Sein, Audierne. Scale 1:49,300.</p>
<h2>Characteristics of the SHOM 7148 L chart (folded version)</h2>
<p>Marine cartography on SD/MicroSD card compatible with all Garmin portable GPS with mapping. Local delimitation centred on South Brittany.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Shom marine chart for your cruises or regattas in Brittany. From Penfret island to the Birvideaux plateau via the outskirts of Lorient. Shom 7031. Scale: 1:50000.</p>
<h2>NV-CHARTS FR6 - 36 charts of South East Brittany (from Lorient to Noirmoutier) + the 3 regulatory adhesive sheets</h2>
<p><span style="font-size:10pt;">In this NV-Charts FR6 pack, you will find an Atlas of <span>36 charts of South Brittany from Lorient to Noirmoutier including 3 offshore charts, 13 coastal charts and 20 detailed charts</span>. With a personal download code, you will have access to all the maps in digital format as well as the <strong>NV Graphical Navigator light navigation software</strong> both freely usable on PC, tablets or smartphone!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:10pt;">The areas represented are: <strong>South Brittany - Lorient, Etel, Belle-Île, Baie de Quiberon, La Trinité, Golfe du Morbihan, Vannes, Auray, Houat, Hoedic, La Vilaine, Piriac, La Turballe, Le Croisic, La Baule, Pornichet, Saint Nazaire, Nantes, Pornic, Noirmoutier (FRANCE)</strong></span></p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;"><span style="color:#ff0000;">Free with your FR6 pack:</span> 3 adhesive sheets containing the mandatory regulatory documentation (RIPAM, buoys and flags) for navigation in coastal areas (art 242-2.04 of Division 240). <span style="color:#ff0000;">When you buy your pack, you have all the regulatory documentation for sailing within 6 miles of a shelter.</span></span></strong></p>
<h2>Description of the FR6 card pack</h2>
NV-CHARTS FR6 - 36 South East Brittany Marine Charts + 3 regulatory adhesive sheets
- €64.90
- -10%
- €58.41