Line Tamer Rope Storage | Picksea
  • Line Tamer Rope Storage | Picksea
  • Line Tamer Rope Storage | Picksea
  • Line Tamer Rope Storage | Picksea
  • Line Tamer Rope Storage | Picksea

Line Tamer Rope Storage

See detailed specifications

€16.50 Tax included

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Une question ? +33 2 97 11 80 95

Une question ? +33 2 97 11 80 95

Detailed features

A cleat to store your ropes to clear the cockpit

This rope storage cleat is ultra practical, it can be aimed and allows you to easily store your ropes to free up space and avoid knots!

Features of the Line Tamer rope storage

  • Very easy to use
  • Dimensions: length 73 mm x width 30 mm x thickness 13 mm
  • Easy mounting with a 4mm screw supplied with the cleats

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