Vagnon's L'indispensable du Plaisancier | Picksea
  • Vagnon's L'indispensable du Plaisancier | Picksea

L'indispensable du Plaisancier

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All the basic rules you need to know to sail and powerboat properly

Details on "L'indispensable du Plaisancier" by Vagnon

To help you become an informed boater and to accompany you on your outings at sea, find all the basic rules concerning the purchase and registration of a boat, licences, safety, navigation, recreational fishing and eco-actions. This memo is the essential tool for understanding and mastering the regulations in force and carrying out your nautical activities in the best conditions.

  • Format 13.5 x 21 cm. 144 pages
  • Author: Philippe Peoc'h

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