How to choose your second-hand boat | Picksea
  • How to choose your second-hand boat | Picksea

How to choose your second-hand boat

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How to choose your second-hand boat : Albert Brel

The aim of this book by Albert BREL is to provide boaters with all the advice they need to acquire a second-hand boat, whether sailing or motor. The advice is given according to the budget and the sailing program.

In this manual, you will learn :

  • To make the choice ofThe boat's performance depends on the sailing program, the sailing areas, the parking mode and the hull.
  • Building materials.
  • To examine the vessel afloat
  • To do the dry dock examination
  • The purchase of the boat
  • Do-it-yourself repairs

Detailed characteristics of the Vagnon manual: Choosing your second-hand boat

  • 120 pages
  • Format: 16 x 24 cm
  • Release date: March 1, 2011

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