
Detailed features

Learn to cook at sea like a chef!
This cooking guide explains how to set up a boat kitchen, but it also contains a multitude of generous recipe ideas that will delight your taste buds, such as cgrilled coconut rabe, barbecued lobster but also thesoft spinach flanks, fried potatoes. In short, there is something for everyone!
Features of the Onboard Cooking Guide
- 280 pages
- Format: 16 x 24 cm
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<h2>Breizh vacation notebook, to discover! </h2>
<p style="margin:8px 0px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#ffffff;">A fun vacation book with many games on the theme of Brittany and the Celtic world (culture, heritage, gastronomy, legends)... The Breizh vacation book is the ideal summer partner to rack one's brains, test one's intuition, logic, sense of observation and mastery of Breton vocabulary! Adults can also learn things!</p>
<h2>By following the information in this Pilote Côtier Bénéteau, even a beginner can venture from Concarneau into the numerous passes of the Glénan archipelago. </h2>
<p>This Bénéteau Coastal Pilot is not only for experienced sailors. Cabotage along the northern coast of Belle Ile does not present any real difficulties even if the currents are sometimes strong in the passage near the Teignouse and raise a rather rough sea. Similarly, the Lorient harbour offers a calm stretch of water, as do the rivers of Pouldu, Belon and Pont Aven, as well as the magnificent river Odet, whose ascent is a beautiful country walk in the heart of the Breton countryside. With a little attention and by following the information in this Pilote Côtier Bénéteau, even a beginner can venture from Concarneau into the numerous passes of the Glénan archipelago. </p>
<p>But it is true, going further N.W. than from Loctudy and the river of Pont l'Abbé, the coastline takes on an undeniably more severe character. You don't turn the tip of Penmarch like the one in Quiberon and at the Audierne anchorage, you can't improvise to cross the Raz de Sein where the violent currents raise breakers which can put an inexperienced crew in danger. Departure must be at a specific time, and routes must be followed on precise alignments. This is where this Bénéteau Coastal Pilot comes in handy, providing a wealth of information based on the experience of many sailors, so that you can face the dangers of the tip of Brittany in the safest possible conditions and take full advantage of the beauty of these wild shores. </p>
<h2>Marine charts 7126 L de l'Ile Balanec aux Heaux-de-Brehat : </h2>
<p>Scale 1:20 000 - Marine charts, SHOM : 7126L , from Ile Balanec to Heaux-de-Bréhat, and le cours du Jaudy.</p>
<h2>Features of marine charts 7126L : </h2>
<p><span>All the basic rules you need to know to sail and powerboat properly</span></p>
<h2>Details on "L'indispensable du Plaisancier" by Vagnon</h2>