Glowtorch Waterproof Photoluminescent Lamp | Picksea
  • Glowtorch Waterproof Photoluminescent Lamp | Picksea
  • Glowtorch Waterproof Photoluminescent Lamp | Picksea

Glowtorch Waterproof Photoluminescent Lamp

See detailed specifications

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Une question ? +33 2 97 11 80 95

Une question ? +33 2 97 11 80 95

Detailed features

A photoluminescent flashlight

It is sometimes long to find your flashlight when you are in the dark! Navisafe offers a photoluminescent flashlight that is visible in the dark so you can find it right away. It is waterproof up to 60m deep and a nylon cord allows you to carry it and attach it to your arm easily so it doesn't fall out.
There are three modes of use: an extremely bright 110 Lumen mode, a weaker 27 Lumen mode and a flashing safety mode coupled with low power consumption.

Features of the Navisafe Glow Torch

  • 3 watt CREE LED
  • Waterproof to 60m
  • Batteries: 2 x AA (not included)
  • Duration of phosphorescence: 8 hours after 10 minutes exposure to daylight
  • 3 modes and their autonomy :
    • 25% - 27 Lumen - 12h
    • 100% - 110 Lumen - 4h
    • Flashing light - 4pm
  • Dimensions: Height=110mm, Diameter=40mm
  • Weight : 70 g

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