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The Vagnon manual for first aid at sea
As first aid training at sea is essential, this practical manual will be very useful to you. Written by an author who is a specialist in the subject and himself an experienced trainer, you will find a pedagogical guide to a training course that is compulsory for racing and essential to the safety of sailors.
Characteristics of the Vagnon manual - First aid at sea
- 144 pages
- Format: 16 x 24 cm
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<p style="text-align:justify;">This book covers many of the topics covered in the World Sailing courses that competitors must attend in order to enter official races.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">An indispensable book in your on-board library for safe sailing.</p>
<h2 style="text-align:justify;">Practical...safety, very important on board a boat</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Several points are very important to take into account during a trip on the sea: preparing the boat, before embarking, sailing carefully, and in case of problems. You can find all kinds of useful books on our website Picksea.com.</p>
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