
In the same category
4 other products seleted for you-
<h2>Make your freshwater fishing trips a success</h2>
<p><span>Discover the diversity of freshwater environments and the main species of fish that inhabit them; learn and master the fishing techniques of the various large families of fish over the seasons thanks to targeted set-ups and appropriate equipment and bait; learn about the organisation of fishing and its regulations for responsible fishing... </span></p>
<p><span>You will find: descriptive sheets of more than 40 species of fish; illustrated assemblies and animations; tips and advice; the different types of fishing.</span></p>
<h2>Characteristics of the manual : The freshwater fishing guide</h2>
<h2>Learn to cook at sea like a chef!</h2>
<p><span>This cooking guide explains how to set up a boat kitchen, but it also contains a multitude of generous recipe ideas that will delight your taste buds, such as c<span>grilled coconut rabe, barbecued lobster but also the<span>soft spinach flanks, fried potatoes. In short, there is something for everyone! </span></span></span></p>
<h2>Features of the Onboard Cooking Guide</h2>
<h2>The boater's memo: a practical memo of the ABCs of navigation</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">The boater's memo of the edition <strong>Vagnon</strong> is a practical and very visual memo which makes it easy to understand and remember. The aim of this memo is to guide you through the stages of a successful trip at sea. Harbour manoeuvres, signs, lights, markings, radio messages, accidents, safety rules: everything is explained to help you adopt the right gestures to avoid endangering your own life and that of your crew.</p>
<h2>Features of the Boater's Memo</h2>
<h2>Vagnon's Pocket Guide to Seaweed and Seaside Plants</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Observe and recognize 50 species of our coastline</strong>. As the seasons change, many seaweeds and plants are found along our coasts and seashores. The species presented in this guide are among the most common and easiest to observe. They are identified thanks to a precise portrait and essential information: habitat and geographical distribution, abundance, description, flowering and reproduction.</p>
<h2>Details on the Guide to Seaweed and Seaside Plants</h2>