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Find out what to do when sailing with this special issue of Voiles et Voiliers
When it comes to navigation and manoeuvring, there is no point in perfecting your technique if your body, and in particular your ten fingers, are not capable of giving it excellence. Are you lucky enough to be able to feel where the wind is coming from? Do you know where you are after consulting the map? Do you have a good intuition for the weather? Are you a good trimmer and very fussy about safety on board? Then you are surely an excellent sailor!
And yet... As with all of us, there are inevitably small imperfect gestures or bad habits in your way of sailing and manoeuvring that need to be corrected in order to really sail according to the rules. Nothing serious! Just little things that you have never been taught because they are rarely mentioned in sailing books. This new special issue deals in a new way with gestures, i.e. the correct body and hand movements when using a winch, throwing a mooring line, hoisting or firing a parachute rocket, for example. Skipper or crew, whatever your level of experience, these pages will give you a lot of help!
- 84 pages
- Stapled assembly
- Publication date 2011-05-01
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