
In the same category
4 other products seleted for you-
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<h2>The essential on-board medical guide: Jean-Marc le Gac</h2>
<p>This book has been written by emergency physicians actively involved in prevention and information on emergency care on board pleasure craft. Abundantly illustrated, it covers the following main topics: seeking medical advice at sea, the on-board pharmacy, on-board pathologies and wounds, burns and bruises, handling such as bandages, immobilisations, urgent and usual medical situations, illnesses linked to the sea (drowning, sun, dangerous animals), psychological aspects of life on board.</p>
<p>In summary, the majority of ailments that a boater can develop on board a vessel.</p>
<h2>Practical...safety, very important on board a boat</h2>
<p>Several points are very important to take into account during a trip on the sea: preparing the boat, before embarking, sailing carefully, and in case of problems. You can find all kinds of useful books on our website Picksea.com.</p>
<h2>Regatta coaching to prepare, train and progress</h2>
<p>This manual Coaching regatta of <strong>Vagnon</strong> proposes a learning method thanks to a very visual, well explained and easy to understand guide to progress during regattas. In three major stages: getting ready (the right gestures), training (taking your first steps) and progressing (becoming an expert), you will know how to define the type of race you want to practice, choose your equipment, your boat and your course, learn the essential rules, refine your tactics and strategy by following the weather and currents, improve your driving and manoeuvres...</p>
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<h2>Characteristics of the Regatta Coaching</h2>
<h2>Dare the adventure of night sailing thanks to the wise and learned advice of Jean-Louis Guéry</h2>
<p>For many yachtsmen, night sailing is still forbidden, because it is too frightening, too risky or too mysterious. But we must beware, because if the yachtsmen who have not yet dared to sail under the stars knew all the pleasures and advantages that can be gained, they would have already cast off and sent the canvas!</p>
<p>That's the world we're taking you into with this new special edition. We give you all the advice you need to sail safely, teach you how to recognise lighthouses, help you to navigate properly, and invite you to avoid the traps of other boats and their little headlights that waddle under the pale, icy light of the moon. A special edition that gives you a clear idea of which route to take. You will also learn about the marvellous world of the stars and the stars that enchant these nocturnal navigations.</p>
<p>This special issue is also very practical and will introduce you to all the latest equipment that is essential for the boat and its crew. So why not make your nights even more beautiful than your days? It's up to you to cast off the canvas, we've lit up the stars!</p>
<h2>Ocean Racing: 50 Legendary Adventures</h2>
<p>The exciting illustrated account of 50 unforgettable races and records . A beautiful collector's book, to be leafed through to relive the thrill of the ocean racing adventure. Author Olivier Bourbon, preface by Clarisse Cremer. Editions Vagnon.</p>
<h2>Characteristics of the book</h2>