Detailed features

Indispensable on board your boat: the Atlantic 2025 marine block
The Atlantic 2024 Marine Block is no longer available. This book contains all the compulsory and regulatory elements on board a boat and offers you access to all the essential documents on board. For this edition, a complete update of the mandatory 2025 regulations has been carried out and you will find in addition a special section devoted to new technologies: "electronics - equipment - home automation".. Browse the descriptions of the ports and benefit from all the updated approach charts (these are made every year according to the SHOM information). This marine guide allows you to save precious time in order to arrive at the port in complete serenity. A real bible for sailors and yachtsmen, it contains essential information for coastal and deep-sea navigation.
The marine block for the Atlantic : a navigation area from England to the Azores
Your marine block allows you to carry all the nautical documents required on board during your navigations. The Atlantic model (new edition 2022) is a great classic of the maritime bookshop and a reference book for sailors. Find our entire collection of coastal and marine pads on our Picksea shop, number one in nautical equipment on the internet.
Detailed summary of the Atlantic 2025 Marine Block
Atlantic Block 2025 edition covering the following navigation areas: English Channel, England, Belgium, Dunkirk to La Hague, La Hague to Brest, Brest to Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Nazaire to Montalivet, Montalivet to Hendaye, Spain, Atlantic.
Sections present :
Navigation Essentials
- national flags
- international code of signals
- port traffic signals
- AISM marine buoyage
- rule of the road and helm
- beach marking
- reduced visibility-distress
- night marks
- day marks
- sailboat
- motor boat
- technical glossary
Your boat
- more about osmosis
- checklist
- disarm
- reset
- inboard and outboard engine
- more about sails
Life at sea
- Seamanship
- conversion and measurement
- docking
- mooring, anchoring
- sea fishing
- underwater fishing
- scuba diving
- recreational fishing
- the Pelagos Sanctuary
New technology for yachting
- Knowing the on-board electronics
- The equipment
- Home automation on board
Your navigation
On-board communication
- mobile phone
- computers and tablets
- walkie-talkies
- portable satellite links
- fixed satellite links
- systems involved in GMDSS
Navigation aids
- the compass
- electronic navigation
- reading of nautical charts
- celestial navigation
- weather maps
- disturbances
- the sky
- the wind
- breezes
- weather glossary
- the development of weather forecasts
- the services of METEO CONSULT
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
- use of the logbook
- logbook
Regulations and rescue
- Maritime Affairs
- Pleasure Craft Operator's Licence
- Maritime Gendarmerie
- Customs and Taxation
- regional services
- marine regulations-annexes
- mandatory materials and documents
- RIPAM: international regulations to prevent collisions at sea
- the legal keys of Legiplaisance
Relief and emergency
- sea rescue and CROSS
- helitacking
- life-saving gestures
- medical aid at sea
- physical accidents
- assistance and rescue at sea
- the insurance contract
- lifeguards at sea
Tide directories
- Main ports
- Coefficients
- Secondary ports
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<h2>Indispensable for sailing within 6 miles of a shelter: the Mediterranean 2025 Bloc Cotier</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">The Mediterranean 2025 Bloc Cotier is a smaller work than the Marine block, bringing together all the compulsory and regulatory elements on board a boat for coastal sailing, i.e. within 6 miles of a shelter according to the regulations in force. It offers you wider access to all the essential documents on board, such as port descriptions and updated charts. With even more photos, the coastal block also includes a complete atlas. The mandatory 2025 regulations have also been completely updated.</p>
<h2>Detailed summary of the Mediterranean Coastal Block 2025</h2>
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<h2>The Marine Block covering all the West Indies and updated</h2>
<p>The West Indies Marine block is the logbook for long distance cruising which allows you to have all the essential documents on board for a transatlantic navigation and once in the West Indies. The descriptions of the ports and the maps allow you to save precious time in order to discover these navigation areas in complete safety. Written in French and English, this guide covers an area from the Virgin Islands to Trinidad and Tobago.</p>
<h2>Detailed features of the Caribbean Marine Block</h2>
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<h2>Indispensable for sailing within 6 miles from a shelter: the Atlantic 2025 Bloc Cotier !</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">The Atlantic 2025 bloc cotier is a smaller work than the Marine block, bringing together all the compulsory and regulatory elements on board a boat for coastal sailing, i.e. within 6 miles of a shelter according to the regulations in force. It also offers you access to all the essential documents on board, such as port descriptions and updated maps. With even more photos, the coastal block also includes a complete atlas. The mandatory regulations for 2025 have also been completely updated.</p>
<h2>Detailed summary of the Atlantic Bloc Cotier 2025</h2>
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<h2>Marine Guide 100% English presentation of the French ports in the Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean</h2>
<p>The French Harbours marine block is a complete guide in English published in 2013 presenting the French ports all along the Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. This book contains all the mandatory and regulatory elements on board a boat, and offers you access to all the essential documents on board. Thus, browse the descriptions of the ports and have the maps updated. It allows you to save precious time to arrive at the port with peace of mind.</p>
<h2>Detailed summary of the Bloc Marine French Harbours</h2>