Compass Contest 101 Tactical | Picksea
  • Compass Contest 101 Tactical | Picksea
  • Compass Contest 101 Tactical | Picksea
  • Compass Contest 101 Tactical | Picksea
  • Made in france

Compass Contest 101 Tactical

See detailed specifications

€410.00 Tax included

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  • Livraison à domicile : Gratuit

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Detailed features

Tactical compass suitable for light boats from 8 to 12 m

This compass, inspired by the famous Contest 101 compass, combines the functions of a classic course compass and a tactical compass. It is suitable for light and sporty boats from 8 to 12 m. Its parts are UV treated and its dome is scratch resistant.

Features of the Plastimo Contest 101 Tactical Compass

  • Universal balancing suitable for all areas of the world
  • Warranty: 5 years
  • ISO 25862 standard
  • Anti-UV treated parts and scratch resistant dome
  • Double reading: cockpit and cabin level
  • 3 alidades at 45°.
  • Reminder of the bedding every 10°.
  • LED lighting 12-24V
  • Double scale rose: horizontal and vertical
  • Adapts to any wall thickness
  • Delivered with a protective cover, drilling template, inner mounting flange
  • Delivered in wall mounted version, but can be mast mounted with an optional kit.


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