Everything you need to know for a successful winterization

For most of us, the sea trips are over for this year. It's time for winter storage. Storing your boat for the winter period is also an opportunity to carry out the big clean-up to better take to the sea in spring 2022.
Take care of your equipment by preparing it for winter
Winterizing your boat also means cleaning all your equipment and checking its condition. Start by stowing all the equipment on board in a dry place, such as life jackets, the VHF and other portable electronic equipment, various items of equipment... Check the quality of the safety equipment (wear, expiry date...). Finally, store the saddlery in a dry place after having cleaned and brushed it. If you have a sailboat, remember to rinse & dry your sails before folding them carefully. Once this is done, it is also best to bring the sails home dry. For batteries, it is best to store them at home to recharge them from time to time to extend their life. If you can't take them ashore, it is important to check them and recharge them once a month. Note: a battery, even if not used, loses +/- 1% of its charge every day. It is therefore important to recharge them regularly during the winter.
Carry out a complete cleaning to get your boat back in good condition
Often considered tedious, cleaning your boat is nevertheless essential for a successful wintering. Seats, lockers, deck, floor, cushions, sails, anchor line and anchor locker... We clean everything! To drain the fresh water system, completely empty the tanks and the water heater. Before refilling them for the duration of the wintering period, add antifreeze and an antibacterial liquid. For the gas cooker, check the supply hose and check its validity date after cleaning. Also winterize your toilets by emptying the black water tanks and disconnecting the water inlets without forgetting to grease the seals. Check the watertightness of the portholes. Finally, an essential step to avoid finding your boat mouldy at the end of the winter is to install a moisture absorber.
Setting up your boat for winter
If you store your boat on land, you should, if possible, put it under cover during the winter. Ideally, cover it with a tarp. If you can't take your boat out during the winter, double your mooring lines to protect it on windy days. In both cases, regular visits on board to air the interior spaces (boot, cabin, saloon, etc.) will prevent mould.
Prepare the engine to spend the winter without running
Ideally, it is advisable to trust a professional to winterize your engine, but you can also carry out the following steps yourself: For an inboard engine:
- Check, empty and clean the engine bilge
- Add antifreeze to the cooling system
- Add an antibacterial agent to the fuel tank
- Disconnect the batteries (see above)
For an outboard engine
- Flush the engine including the cooling system with fresh water
- Spray corrosion inhibitor before greasing
- Add a stabilizer to the gasoline to preserve its quality and avoid humidity during winter
- If the boat is out of water : put the engine in low position
- Disconnect the batteries (see above)
Here are the main steps for a successful winterization and a serene winter. Occasional visits, especially if the weather is bad, are still recommended. If you can't come, ask a friend or a professional to do it in order to avoid major inconveniences.
Successful winterization extends the life of the boat and its equipment. Above all, it minimizes the work involved in preparing and refitting the boat in the spring, so you can enjoy your boat more quickly when the good weather arrives..