Vagnon Abécédaire du plaisancier | Picksea
  • Vagnon Abécédaire du plaisancier | Picksea
  • Vagnon Abécédaire du plaisancier | Picksea
  • Vagnon Abécédaire du plaisancier | Picksea
  • Vagnon Abécédaire du plaisancier | Picksea

Abécédaire du plaisancier

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Detailed features

All about the world of boating - Written and designed by the experts at Picksea!

From A for "Shoot" to Z for "Avoidance Zone", this "Abécédaire du plaisancier" offers definitions of more than 300 key words that are essential for acquiring a solid nautical culture that is useful for any outing at sea, in a motorboat or under sail.

The book is enriched with visual plates to identify and remember at a glance the essentials about the design and operation of a boat, basic manoeuvres, markings and markings, safety equipment, rigging, sails, etc...

Details on the Abécédaire du plaisancier

  • Format 16 x 22 cm 128 pages
  • 50 descriptive plates
  • Over 300 definitions

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