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Technical manuals

Find a selection of manuals that address many topics on the maritime world. You can learn and progress on electricity, engines, GPS, sail trimming, knots, manoeuvres, lights and signals, safety or even flags, you are spoilt for choice!

There are 22 products.

  • <h2>All about the world of boating - <span style="color:#ff0000;">Written and designed by the experts at Picksea!</span></h2> <p style="text-align:justify;">From A for "Shoot" to Z for "Avoidance Zone", this <em>"Abécédaire du plaisancier" </em>offers definitions of more than 300 key words that are essential for acquiring a solid nautical culture that is useful for any outing at sea, in a motorboat or under sail.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">The book is enriched with visual plates to identify and remember at a glance the essentials about the design and operation of a boat, basic manoeuvres, markings and markings, safety equipment, rigging, sails, etc...</p> <h2><span style="font-family:'novecento_wide_medium', sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Details on the Abécédaire du plaisancier</span></h2>
  • <h2>Réussir sa sortie en mer: preparing, sailing and above all progressing!</h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;">Written and designed by the experts at Picksea!</span></h2> <p style="text-align:justify;">Successful Sea Trips is an illustrated guide from the <strong>Vagnon</strong> which accompanies the sailor in all the stages of his sea trip. You will find a<span> unwound <strong>step by step</strong> which follows the chronology of a sea trip (before, during, after) with important themes such as managing the unexpected or sailing at night.</span></p> <h2>Characteristics of the book Réussir sa sortie en mer</h2>
  • <h2>Learn how to trim and adjust your sails</h2> <p><span>Knowing how to trim and adjust your sails according to the boat, the wind, the course, the weather, the risks... It's not easy! And yet, there are very few publications on the subject. This small practical manual is here to provide the reader with all the essential information to know. This book is aimed at experienced sailors.</span></p> <h2>Manual features: Ajuster et régler des voiles</h2>
  • <h2>The essentials of marine knots</h2> <p>With this practical guide you will learn how to tie the main knots!</p> <h2>Features of the "Essential Marine Knots" Guide</h2>
  • <h2>The on-board safety memo</h2> <p>This very practical memo aims to remind you of the often complex regulatory environment of water sports, and the basic principles for calm and responsible navigation.</p> <p>You will find the obligations of the skipper, the equipment, the maintenance but also the good gestures.</p> <h2>Characteristics of the Vagnon Memo - Safety on board</h2>
  • <h2>Improve your sailing skills with this manual!</h2> <p>This sailing manual offers a coaching program adapted to all generations of "sailors", to acquire and master the skills of sailing. You will find several headings: getting ready, training, improving.</p> <h2>Characteristics of the manual : Coaching voile habitable</h2>
  • <h2>The practical sailing sheets to equip yourself, prepare, manoeuvre and sail!</h2> <p>This manual <strong>Vagnon</strong> includes 65 illustrated sheets to guide the "sailor" and help him or her progress in the discovery and practice of sailing.</p> <h2>Characteristics of the practical sailing cards</h2>
  • available
    Modern Ropework

    Modern Ropework

    • €20.95
  • <h2>Memo of Lights &amp; Ship's Marks</h2> <p>This handy memo is intended to provide a complete overview of ship's lights and marks. It contains day marks, ship's lights and privileges.</p> <p>You will learn: how to recognize the lights and marks of the boats but also how to interpret them</p> <h2>Characteristics of the Vagnon Memo - Lights &amp; Marks of boats</h2>
  • <h2>The radio message memo</h2> <p>This very practical memo aims to remind you of all the information you need to know for a safety, emergency or distress call.</p> <p>You will find distress, emergency and safety messages.</p> <h2>Features of the Vagnon Memo - Radio messages</h2>
  • <h2>Marine Accident Memo</h2> <p>This very practical memo aims to remind you of the essential actions to take in the event of accidents at sea.</p> <p>You will find: how to prevent a maritime accident but also how to react and save.</p> <h2>Characteristics of the Vagnon Memo - Safety on board</h2>
  • <h2>A beginner sailor? Sail safely!</h2> <p>Taking to the sea, the first times, when you are a beginner, is not so simple. <span>With this book, published in partnership with the SNSM, the novice yachtsman will have all the keys to ensure his safety on board in the event of a major problem. In this manual, all the major themes are covered: man overboard, fire, collision, grounding, water ingress, evacuation.</span></p> <h2>Manual Features: La plaisance en sécurité</h2>
  • <p><span>All the basic rules you need to know to sail and powerboat properly</span></p> <h2>Details on "L'indispensable du Plaisancier" by Vagnon</h2>
  • <h2>Coaching to prepare, train and progress</h2> <p>This manual Coaching light sail of <strong>Vagnon</strong> proposes a learning method thanks to a very visual, well explained and easy to understand guide to progress in light sailing. In three major stages: getting ready (the right moves), training (taking your first steps) and progressing (becoming an expert), you'll become an expert on the subject!</p> <div class="productStrates__column productStrates__column--fixed"> <div class="productStrate advertisingStrate"> <div id="ad_9d1d5e22f27440" class="js-ad-slot f-ad"></div> </div> </div> <h2>Characteristics of the Light Sailing Coaching</h2>
  • <h2>The boater's memo: a practical memo of the ABCs of navigation</h2> <p style="text-align:justify;">The boater's memo of the edition <strong>Vagnon</strong> is a practical and very visual memo which makes it easy to understand and remember. The aim of this memo is to guide you through the stages of a successful trip at sea. Harbour manoeuvres, signs, lights, markings, radio messages, accidents, safety rules: everything is explained to help you adopt the right gestures to avoid endangering your own life and that of your crew.</p> <h2>Features of the Boater's Memo</h2>
  • <h2>Learn how to tie a knot with the Coffret des noeux marins</h2> <p style="text-align:justify;">Skill and precision are necessary to make different knots from the easiest to the most complicated. Follow the steps and drawings in the manual to learn how to make more than 50 fun sailor knots and go to sea with peace of mind!</p> <h2>Characteristics of the coffret des noeux marins</h2>
    Coffret des nœuds marins

    Coffret des nœuds marins

    • €13.95
    • -10%
    • €12.55
  • <h2>Regatta coaching to prepare, train and progress</h2> <p>This manual Coaching regatta of <strong>Vagnon</strong> proposes a learning method thanks to a very visual, well explained and easy to understand guide to progress during regattas. In three major stages: getting ready (the right gestures), training (taking your first steps) and progressing (becoming an expert), you will know how to define the type of race you want to practice, choose your equipment, your boat and your course, learn the essential rules, refine your tactics and strategy by following the weather and currents, improve your driving and manoeuvres...</p> <div class="productStrates__column productStrates__column--fixed"> <div class="productStrate advertisingStrate"> <div id="ad_9d1d5e22f27440" class="js-ad-slot f-ad"></div> </div> </div> <h2>Characteristics of the Regatta Coaching</h2>
  • <h2>Exercises to manage your navigation</h2> <p><span>With this navigation exercise manual you will know how to read and interpret a nautical chart, take a bearing and take stock, read and interpret a nautical chart, draw the graph of water heights of a tide, all with pedagogical texts and many practical exercises, it allows you to train before going to sea!</span></p> <h2>Features of the Manual Exercise to manage your navigation</h2>
  • <div class="fiche-txt"> <h2>Vagnon manual of the diesel engine</h2> <p>This manual has been designed for boaters with no particular mechanical knowledge. This diesel engine manual explains in a clear and synthetic way the operation and maintenance of the outboard engine. This book also covers engine maintenance and breakdowns that can affect the engine.</p> <p>In this manual, you will learn all the maintenance operations that you can perform yourself on :</p> <ul><li>Food</li> <li>Ignition</li> <li>Lubrication</li> <li>Cooling</li> <li>The exhaust</li> <li>The transmission</li> </ul><h2>Detailed features of the Vagnon diesel engine manual</h2> </div>
  • <h2>Find out what to do when sailing with this special issue of Voiles et Voiliers</h2> <p>When it comes to navigation and manoeuvring, there is no point in perfecting your technique if your body, and in particular your ten fingers, are not capable of giving it excellence. Are you lucky enough to be able to feel where the wind is coming from? Do you know where you are after consulting the map? Do you have a good intuition for the weather? Are you a good trimmer and very fussy about safety on board? Then you are surely an excellent sailor!</p> <p>And yet... As with all of us, there are inevitably small imperfect gestures or bad habits in your way of sailing and manoeuvring that need to be corrected in order to really sail according to the rules. Nothing serious! Just little things that you have never been taught because they are rarely mentioned in sailing books. This new special issue deals in a new way with gestures, i.e. the correct body and hand movements when using a winch, throwing a mooring line, hoisting or firing a parachute rocket, for example. Skipper or crew, whatever your level of experience, these pages will give you a lot of help!</p> <h2>Features </h2>
  • <h2>GPS is a great navigation aid. However, it is important to know how to use it and to identify the risks in order to better prevent them.</h2> <p>Learn how to use all the GPS functions, and at a glance on your screen you will see where you are and where you are going, how long it will take you to get there and what time you will be in port. As your boat progresses, the various displays, figures and graphs show the constantly changing data, which is both fascinating and reassuring.</p> <p>As an everyday tool, GPS has become commonplace for road traffic or nature walks. Its nautical use, however, remains the most sophisticated of all, along with air navigation. At sea, a lack of settings, a handling error or a wrong reading can result in a shipwreck, with much more serious consequences than getting lost in the open country. Marine sense - a mixture of thoughtful analysis of all the information on board, observation of the maritime environment and constant sensory monitoring - consists first and foremost in never relying on a single instrument, even if it is as precise and magical as the GPS. When the reefs appear in front of the bow, it is too late to wonder if the position displayed on the screen is really accurate...</p> <p>This special edition is aimed at beginners as well as those who already use a GPS on a regular basis but who do not check its correct operation, rarely pay attention to its settings and hardly use its advanced functions...</p> <h2>Features</h2>
    I'm learning the GPS
    Voiles & Voiliers

    I'm learning the GPS

    • €5.50
  • <div class="fiche-txt"> <h2>Astronomical navigation : François Meyrier</h2> <p><span>Even if today's electronic devices are very reliable, it is still essential (and sometimes compulsory) to know the techniques of positioning with the help of a sextant, a watch, a calculator and the ephemeris. In this manual you will find the basic principles of navigation based on the observation of the Sun, planets and stars. </span></p> <h2>Features of this book</h2> </div>

Showing 1-22 of 22 item(s)