In this category you will find the essential manuals that will be useful to you to succeed in your maritime training
There are 8 products.
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<h2>The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. </h2>
<p>This book will help you to know the international regulations to prevent collisions at sea (or RIPAM in french). <span>This document contains all the rules set out in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended from time to time.</span></p>
<h2>All the Shom's regulatory works on our website</h2>
You can find on Picksea.com all the regulatory books of the Shom, like the good uses of the nautical documents 1F, or the book on the maritime signalling 3C.</div>
<h2>Adhesive Marine Code A5 Rules of Navigation (RIPAM)</h2>
<p><span>This A5 sticker marine code for ships displays the essential international maritime regulations on the rules of the road and helm in navigation. It can replace the mandatory document (Division 240) on the RIPAM in navigation. </span><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>CONFORMS TO D240</strong></span></p>
<h2><span>Features of the RIPAM Marine Code</span></h2>
<p>A book published by SHOM listing all the symbols, abbreviations and terms used on SHOM charts. All these terms are declined in English and in French for a perfect reading and understanding of the charts.</p>
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<h2>All the good uses of nautical documents in a dedicated book</h2>
<p>This book will give you a complete overview of hydrography and nautical records with their imperfections and proper use.</p>
<h2>All Shom's regulatory books on Picksea.com</h2>
You can find on our site all the regulatory works of the Shom, such as the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 2A and 2B, or the work 3C on maritime signalling.</div>
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<h2>Marine Signage</h2>
<p>This book will allow you to know the maritime signage regulations and updated.</p>
<h2>All the Shom's regulatory works on our website</h2>
You can find on Picksea.com all the regulatory books of the Shom, like the good uses of the nautical documents 1F, or the book on the international regulation to prevent collisions at sea 2.</div>
<h2>Maritime Radio Telephony Manual French - English</h2>
<p>This manual provides the international language used in transmissions by maritime professionals. It is intended for all mariners who wish to communicate unambiguously with mariners and shore stations anywhere in the world and thus reinforce the safety of navigation.</p>
<h2>Maritime radiotelephony on our website</h2>
<p>You can find on Picksea.com everything related to marine radiotelephony, edited by the prestigious brand Vagnon.</p>
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<h2>The tide in detail by SHOM</h2>
<p>This work is dedicated to any yachtsman who is particularly interested in the tide and all that can result from it. A very nice book filled with beautiful photos and landscapes, but also with relevant and quality information.</p>
<h2>General browsing on Picksea.com</h2>
<p>Many books on navigation in general are available on our site, do not hesitate to discover and enjoy them by browsing our categories. Such as the practical guides, the marine guides, or the youth section for your children!</p>
<h2>Features of this book</h2>
<h2>The Vagnon code for the French Radiotelephone Operator's Certificate</h2>
<p>The Radiotelephone Operator's Certificate validates a navigator's ability to use the VHF, both from the point of view of technical functions and calling procedures. The possession of this certificate is mandatory to use a VHF when navigating outside French territorial waters.</p>
<h2>Find all the maritime radiotelephony on Picksea.com</h2>
<p>You can find on our website everything related to marine radiotelephony and in particular a wide range of <a href="https://www.picksea.com/en/53-vhf-and-walkie-talkie">VHF</a> and <a href="https://www.picksea.com/en/82-emergency-beacon">distress beacons</a>.</p>
<h2>More information on the Vagnon CRR manual</h2>
Showing 1-8 of 8 item(s)